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controlling 2 motors independently

Posted: 06 Oct 2012, 21:18
by groskiff1994
Hello, and sorry for the mistakes I will do (I'm french).


I try to control two motors independently in my program, I explain : my robot is the PnP from, and I have 1 motor for rotation along the main axis (left-right : OUT_A) and the other one to make the arm go up or down (OUT_B). But I don't manage to control these motors in the same time : I'd like to say "goTo(valdegreeforA, valdegreeforB)" and the robot would move both motors in the same time. But all I managed to get is one motor after the other one, or, by using OnFwd(motor, val), a low precision.

code with task :

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#define AXIS OUT_A
#define ARM OUT_B
#define espace -45
#define gauche -90
#define droite 90
#define haut 130
#define bas 0
#define degree1turn 20171
#define heighTomber 20

int stockGauche;
int degreeVal;
int goal;
bool axisMvt;
bool armMvt;
bool Mvt;

task orientation()
     axisMvt = true;
     //compute degree to turn to get the orientation degreeVal
     int degreMoteur = degreeVal*degree1turn/360 - MotorRotationCount(AXIS);
     RotateMotor(AXIS, 100, degreMoteur);
     axisMvt = false;

//move arm till a certain value in degree

task heigh()
     armMvt = true;
     //compute degree to turn to get the orientation goal
     int degreMoteur = goal - MotorRotationCount(BRAS);
     int strenghMotorB = 20;
     RotateMotor(ARM, forceMoteurB, degreMoteur);
     armMvt = false;

task mvtLook()
                Mvt = (axisMvt||armMvt);

void goTo(int axisVal, int armVal)
     until(Mvt == false);
     degreeVal = axisVal;
     goal = armVal;

task main()
     axisMvt = false;
     armMvt = false;
     goTo(0, haut);
     goTo(espace, bas);

code with OnFwd and motorRotationCount :

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#define degA 1000
#define degB 1000

task main()
     int depart_A = MotorRotationCount(OUT_A);
     int depart_B = MotorRotationCount(OUT_B);
     int distA = 0;
     int distB = 0;
     OnFwd(OUT_A, 50);
     OnFwd(OUT_B, 50);
     bool reachA = false;
     bool reachB = false;
                  distA = MotorRotationCount(OUT_A) - depart_A;
                  distB = MotorRotationCount(OUT_B) - depart_B;
                  reachA = (distA >= degA);
                  reachB = (distB >= degB);
                  if (reachA)
                  if (reachB)
     } while (((reachA && reachB) == false));
     NumOut(0, LCD_LINE3, MotorRotationCount(OUT_A));
     NumOut(50, LCD_LINE3, MotorRotationCount(OUT_B));
So, basically, I'd like to know how to be able to control 2 motors in 1 command, simultaneously.

Thank's you very much if you can help me !

Re: controlling 2 motors independently

Posted: 15 Oct 2012, 13:13
by groskiff1994
No answers ? Some guys are really skilled here, but they wouldn't know how to make 2 movements without waiting for the stop of the first ?

Please help me, give me advice, send me to tuto or even give me a link to another forum (if another exists, more frequented)


Re: controlling 2 motors independently

Posted: 15 Oct 2012, 14:13
by HaWe
I don't ever control all motors by 1 command...
I personally am going completely the other way:
I always start each motor command for each motor in 1 dedicated task (which is self-terminating if the goal is reached).
Each task then regulates each related motor target (or speed or what else) independently from all other ones.
And additionally such a task can be stopped at any time by a stop task command in any other thread (e.g., by a emergency stop task).

If I want to synchronize the movements, I calculate the difference of both motor counters and slow down the motion of the faster one (e.g., by reducing the power or setting the motors to "coast").

BTW: your video has been completely blocked (at least in Germany) because of copyright infringements of your background music - maybe you wish to use some "free" sound tracks?

Re: controlling 2 motors independently

Posted: 15 Oct 2012, 14:30
by groskiff1994
Thanks for showing me the way to do it, now I have a start : 1 task for each motor :)
Now I have to find a way to schedule actions in order not to have 2 commands for the same motor in the same time !

PS : the video is not mine, but you can find pictures here : ... c0ed36210b


Re: controlling 2 motors independently

Posted: 15 Oct 2012, 15:08
by HaWe
define global variables ("semaphores")
char MotAready, MotBready, MotCready;

if a tasks shall take control of MotA (MotAControlTask) then you assign in your superior thread
and if the MotAControlTask has internally reached his goal then his last command line is: MotAready=true;
so all in all:

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char MotAready, MotBready, MotCready;

MotAControlTask1() {
  // do sth.
  // do sth else
  // do sth until end-condition

MotAControlTask2() {
  // do sth.
  // do sth else
  // do sth until end-condition
task main() {
  start MotAControlTask1; // start 1st task
  while (!MotAready); // wait until 1st task has finished

  Wait(1); // give the time slice scheduler a chance to update all the motor and task states

  start MotAControlTask2; // start 2nd task
  while (!MotAready); // wait until 2nd task has finished
If you wish you also may insert the MotAready=false cmd on to the first place of the internal task code; for safety, I would add also an additional 1ms wait state:

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MotAControlTask2() {
  // do sth.
  // do sth else
  // do sth until end-condition
get what I mean?

Re: controlling 2 motors independently

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 12:19
by groskiff1994
I just realised that I didn't reply :)
This is exactly what I wanted to know, I will try to make it works soon !

Image for your help.