help IRSeeker
Posted: 27 Dec 2012, 20:54
Anyone have a good example or a project nxc, About IRSeeker sensor. I'd like to borrow it in the book comes hansen something but not very specific. and the HitTechnic this very easy.
Give a child a robot, he'll play for an hour. Teach him to build, and he'll play forever.
Code: Select all
int dir,s1,s3,s5,s7,s9;
task main()
while (true)
Wait (50);
Code: Select all
// This function implements the same algorithm used in the
// Enhanced IRSeekerV2 Block.
// This method of determining direction and signal strength combines
// both the DC and AC data from the IRSeeker sensor for improved full
// range performance. Using just AC mode works great for longer ranges
// but can cause problems at short range. Using just DC mode works very
// poorly at long range and is also very prone to IR interference. Using
// both AC and DC modes gives the most reliable direction and signal strength
// determination regardless of is the ball is near or far from the sensor.
// you improved information on the direction to the IR Ball.
// dir A direction value similar to standard block from 0-9
// with 0 as no signal
// 1-4 to the left of the sensor
// 5 straight ahead
// 5-9 to the right of the sensor
// To get approximate direction in degrees use:
// (dir - 5) * 30
// strength A single strength value based on the strength of the
// IR signal.
void HTEnhancedIRSeekerV2(const byte port, int &dir, int &strength)
int cResp;
byte cmdBuf[] = {0x10, 0x43}; // Read DC signal strengths (skip the dir)
byte respBuf[]; // Response Buffer
bool fSuccess;
int i, iMax;
long dcSigSum, dcStr;
dir = 0;
strength = 0;
// Read DC mode
fSuccess = I2CBytes(port, cmdBuf, cResp, respBuf);
if (fSuccess) {
// Find the max DC sig strength
iMax = 0;
for (i=1; i<5; i++) if (respBuf[i] > respBuf[iMax]) iMax = i;
// Calc base DC direction value
dir = iMax*2+1;
// Set base dcStrength based on max signal and average
dcSigSum = respBuf[iMax] + respBuf[5];
// Check signal strength of neighboring sensor elements
if ((iMax > 0) && (respBuf[iMax-1] > respBuf[iMax]/2)) {
dcSigSum += respBuf[iMax-1];
if ((iMax < 4) && (respBuf[iMax+1] > respBuf[iMax]/2)) {
dcSigSum += respBuf[iMax+1];
// Make DC strength compatible with AC strength. use: sqrt(dcSigSum*500)
dcSigSum *= 500; dcStr = 1;
repeat(10) dcStr = (dcSigSum/dcStr + dcStr) / 2; // sqrt approx
strength = dcStr;
// Decide if using DC strength or should read and use AC strength
if (strength <= 200) {
// Use AC Dir
dir = 0; strength = 0;
cmdBuf[1] = 0x49; // Recycle rest of cmdBuf from the DC read operation
fSuccess = I2CBytes(port, cmdBuf, cResp, respBuf);
if (fSuccess) {
dir = respBuf[0];
// Sum the sensor elements to get strength
if (dir > 0) for (i=1; i<=5; i++) strength += respBuf[i];
task main()
int dir;
int strength;
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "Demo EIRSeekerV2");
while(true) {
HTEnhancedIRSeekerV2(S1, dir, strength);
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE3, "Edir: ");
NumOut(6*5, LCD_LINE3, dir);
TextOut(6*7, LCD_LINE3, "Estr: ");
NumOut(6*12, LCD_LINE3, strength);
lo que quiero es poner un una función de este tipo
void rodar()
while(dir != 5){
ReadSensorHTIRSeever2AC(IN_1, dir, s1, s3, s5, s7, s9)
OnFwdSinc(OUT_AB, 75, 100)