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NXC: ArraySort algorithm?

Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 16:32
by HaWe
what is the algorithm used by ArraySort?
Bubble Sort?
Insertion Sort?
Merge Sort?
Quick Sort?

Re: NXC: ArraySort algorithm?

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 17:09
by afanofosc

Code: Select all

void shell_sort_flt(float* A, UWORD size)
  UWORD i, j, increment;
  float temp;
  increment = size / 2;
  while (increment > 0) { 
    for (i = increment; i < size; i++) { 
      j = i;
      temp = A[i];
      while ((j >= increment) && (A[j-increment] > temp)) { 
        A[j] = A[j - increment];
        j = j - increment;
      A[j] = temp;
    if (increment == 2)
       increment = 1;
       increment = (UWORD)((float)increment / (float)2.2);
John Hansen

Re: NXC: ArraySort algorithm?

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 19:16
by HaWe
thank you!