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old rcx mindstorms lego set

Posted: 26 Jan 2013, 10:35
by stevew111
Hi I am new here and I have couple of questions about an old rcx mindstorm lego set (set number 9719) that I have just aquired from an uncle of mine.

1. Is there any chance of getting the software to run on win7 as its for win95

2. If not is there any updated software that will run on win7

3. As I have not played with lego in years (im in my late 30's) could people point me in the right direction for some build instructions so I can build something for my 4yr old boy to go :shock: at

Thanks for your help


Re: old rcx mindstorms lego set

Posted: 26 Jan 2013, 12:03
by h-g-t
Best way to get building ideas is to just Google "LEGO RXC".

There are also plenty of the original RXC manuals available on ebay.

Found this page about using the software on WIN 7 32 bit by googling "rxc software on win 7" ... -windows7/

You can also program it through the Bricx Command Center

Re: old rcx mindstorms lego set

Posted: 26 Jan 2013, 12:31
by stevew111
Thanks for that its been a long time away from lego and then i get given an unopened lego robotics box for my son that my uncle bought years ago and never opened

Re: old rcx mindstorms lego set

Posted: 29 Jan 2013, 15:31
by hassenplug
There are many ways to create programs. The real challenge may be connecting the USB (or even worse, serial) tower to the PC.

The main suggestion is to use a virtual machine, within windows.

Have fun.

Re: old rcx mindstorms lego set

Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 20:09
by mattallen37
BTW, I'm working on that problem. I'm designing an IR "Tower" based on the FTDI USB to COM port chip. I already have a working version, but I need to make a revision so that it uses more readily available parts before I'll be able to make more.