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EV3 "Hello World!" program
Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 13:40
by lvoc
I went trough the process of creating and running a simple C-program for the EV3. I wrote a simple tutorial at:
Re: EV3 "Hello World!" program
Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 15:28
by afanofosc
Have you seen my BricxCC videos on this subject?
John Hansen
Re: EV3 "Hello World!" program
Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 15:49
by lvoc
Yes, I saw it. I could not quite figure how to set up the compiler. Also I wanted to do try it in Linux that I am more familiar with.
Re: EV3 "Hello World!" program
Posted: 12 Sep 2013, 02:32
by dwalton76
Is there a way to control the motors and sensors via C?
Re: EV3 "Hello World!" program
Posted: 12 Sep 2013, 04:27
by afanofosc
An API to allow you to control motors, sensors, LCD, LEDs, Buttons, Sounds, etc... is a work in progress. You can start with my in the BricxCC test_releases folder. I still need to incorporate Xander's work on sensor API functions.
John Hansen
Re: EV3 "Hello World!" program
Posted: 12 Sep 2013, 23:04
by lvoc
I added some "basic" instructions of how to use the motors using the Linux way for interacting with external devices
Re: EV3 "Hello World!" program
Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 02:01
by afanofosc
I would really recommend showing people how to use an API layer that completely hides the interaction with the low level devices. ...
Code: Select all
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
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* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Initial Developer of this code is John Hansen.
* Portions created by John Hansen are Copyright (C) 2009-2013 John Hansen.
* All Rights Reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "ev3_output.h"
int main()
int i;
printf("start of out_test\n");
// initialize
if (!OutputInit())
printf("output init returned false\n");
SetPower(OUT_A, 90);
SetSpeed(OUT_B, 40);
SetPower(OUT_C, 60);
SetPower(OUT_D, -60);
bool isBusy = false;
for(i=0; i < 10; i++)
printf("OUT_A: %d %d %d\n", MotorRotationCount(OUT_A), MotorTachoCount(OUT_A), MotorActualSpeed(OUT_A));
printf("OUT_B: %d %d %d\n", MotorRotationCount(OUT_B), MotorTachoCount(OUT_B), MotorActualSpeed(OUT_B));
printf("OUT_C: %d %d %d\n", MotorRotationCount(OUT_C), MotorTachoCount(OUT_C), MotorActualSpeed(OUT_C));
printf("OUT_D: %d %d %d\n", MotorRotationCount(OUT_D), MotorTachoCount(OUT_D), MotorActualSpeed(OUT_D));
isBusy = MotorBusy(OUT_ALL);
printf("Any output isBusy = %d\n", (byte)isBusy);
printf("end of out_test\n");
return 0;
John Hansen
Re: EV3 "Hello World!" program
Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 07:27
by HaWe
that's really fine, I love those "SetPower", "On" and "MotorBusy" commands, it's a really good work!
4 small remarks:
- I'd recommend to always prefer "coast" instead of "Float" because of semiotic confusion with "float"
- just out interest: in the source you are using MotorRotationCount to read encoders, but finally you reset the encoders by a ResetAllTachoCounts.
TachoCount always has been an issue to NXC because of obscured fw interferences, here I would love to have the differences and details of those counter variables a little more elaborated.
- Ivoc's motor device numbers defined as A = 1, B = 2, C =4, D = 8 appear to be very logical (e.g., 12 = 0x0C for OUT_CD); how did you set up the motor numbers and combinations?
... what about continue counting to remote motors (16, 32, 64, 128,...) to be able to access them just as if they were local?
- On the other hand, please let us talk again about the future design of relative and absolute motor position control including PID control.
Re: EV3 "Hello World!" program
Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 12:52
by lvoc
Regarding the motor number definitions, I did not come up with them, this is the way Lego uses and expects them.
See function
Device1Write in ... 08/d_pwm.c
The current kernel module (d_pwm) can only handle four motors. In order to use remote motors in the way you describe, you will need to create a new kernel module. I think, this can be better handled with a program at a user level.
Re: EV3 "Hello World!" program
Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 13:13
by HaWe
ok, thank you, I see!
But anyway how it might work on hardware level, the idea appears to be logic for the user-level:
OUT_CD=4+8=12 for simulataneously C+D local
OUT_CD2= 4+128=132 for simulataneously local-C + remote-D at brick2
OUT_CD2A3= 4+128+256=388 for simulataneously local-C + remote-D at brick2 + remote-A at brick3
for an isomorphism you may define
ABCD local
EFGH remote 1
IJKL remote 2
MNOP remote 3
QRST remote 4
UVWX remote 5