Robot related books for kids and adults

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Robot related books for kids and adults

Post by tabbycatrobots »

I'm thinking with the start of a new school year, it might be a good time to post my list of robot related
media, primarily books for grades 1 - 5. I take my NXT robots into elementary schools, and as I demo the
robots, I try to relate the robots' sensors to our and animal senses, our sight, echo location in bats, etc.
As I'm packing up, at the end of the demo, I hand out my robot books for the kids to look at for
a short time, and give a copy of the attached list to the teacher. Comments, criticisms, additions to the
list are very welcome. Thanks.

(Note the list is an MS Word document, that Mindboards doesn't allow, so, as a text file, some formatting is lost.)
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Re: Robot related books for kids and adults

Post by tabbycatrobots »

I've updated my list of robot related books, and other media, for grade school kids and teachers - some minor edits
and pointers to sites related to An Hour of Code. Far and away the most favorite books among the kids are:
Robots by Clive Gifford (Antheneum Books) Note the publisher, as author has two robot books.
Ralph Masiello's Robot Drawing Book by Ralph Masiello
In fact, I got a second copy of these two books to hand out.
For younger kids I recommend:
The Robot and the Bluebird by David Lucas
And for older kids I recommend:
Robo World: The Story of Robot Designer Cynthia Breazeal by Jordan D. Brown
Comments, criticisms, and especially ideas for additions to the list are very welcome.
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