I made a wifi video car with ev3. ev3 have only one USB port , so I have to use usb hub to connect WiFi dongle and camer. I build a bin have uvc driver. and camer work normol. I use andriod phone to receive video through wifi. and control the car by phone too.
it look so perfect.
but when ev3 use Usb hub, it will stop for a while about per 10S.
And i find some kernel err:
Jan 25 12:16:31 arago user.warn kernel: lms_uart request interrupt failed for UART1^M
Jan 25 12:16:32 arago user.warn kernel: HER_AL initialisation passed
Jan 25 12:16:32 arago user.info kernel: zero gadget: Red nose, version: 31jan2011->
Jan 25 12:16:32 arago user.info kernel: zero gadget: zero ready
Jan 25 12:16:32 arago user.err kernel: da8xx_interrupt 512: Unhandled USB IRQ 00010000
Jan 25 12:16:34 arago user.info LMS2012: VM Started
Jan 25 12:16:51 arago user.err kernel: da8xx_interrupt 512: Unhandled USB IRQ 00090000
Jan 25 12:17:45 arago user.err kernel: da8xx_interrupt 512: Unhandled USB IRQ 00090000
Jan 25 12:18:09 arago user.err kernel: da8xx_interrupt 512: Unhandled USB IRQ 00090000
Jan 25 12:20:20 arago user.err kernel: da8xx_interrupt 512: Unhandled USB IRQ 00090000
I am poor in english,I hope everybody can understand what I mean and help me to solve this problem.
photos : http://xiangce.baidu.com/picture/album/ ... 4bc1789cb6
my test video : http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjQ4Njk5ODA0.html
there are some problems about ev3 use USB hub
Re: there are some problems about ev3 use USB hub
My guess is that you are drawing too much power from your EV3's USB port. Do you get the same issue with a powered USB hub?
= Xander
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| Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, "I know, I'll use threads,"
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