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Programming in ruby

Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 01:50
by penguinplus
I am thinking about programming in ruby. I was woundering if you can make programs like in NBC with it. If you can I would like to know how. Thanks.

Re: Programming in ruby

Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 05:23
by m-goldberg
As far as I know, the only Ruby-based control for the NXT is with ruby-nxt. However this is a tele-control system using Bluetooth and sending remote commands to NXT from a PC running the Ruby code.

Re: Programming in ruby

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 21:48
by pbenco
hello penguinplus

Once again, google is your friend
First entry:
Second entry:
All you need to start programming in ruby for the nxt is there... (sourceforge is full of gems, isn't it?)

If you want to program a ruby virtual machine able to interpret the ruby code on the fly, you will be good inspirated to start an in-deep reading of the lejos java virtual machine implementation you can easily find here: (Nxt Xtended Toy)

Hope this help!