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Compiling LPub4 for Mac OS - tutorial and call for testers

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 14:35
by markcrosbie
Hi everyone,

I wrote a tutorial on how to compile the latest LPub4 sources for Mac OS using XCode - the native Mac development environment. As any LPub users for a Mac will know, the Mac versions have lagged the Windows releases as Kevin does all of the LPub development on Windows. So I stepped in to figure out the build dependencies for Mac users, so we can be as "up to date" as our Windows brethern. The latest source of LPub is at:

You'll need to download the Qt toolkit, and also install XCode, but it's all documented here: ... XCode.html.

What do I need you to do? Download the pre-compiled LPub4 app I've linked to at the end of my tutorial and try it out on your Mac - does it work? Replicate the build process on your Mac to make sure this works for various different flavours of Mac OS. Send me feedback (or post here) so we know that we have a bullet-proof build for Mac users.

Once all of the bugs in the build process are ironed out I'll upload the LPub4 app onto the official sourceforge site.
