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Travel Distance of NXT Touch Sensor?

Posted: 07 Nov 2014, 03:29
by Stryker295
Working on a project and I know it's about one hole-length, but since I don't have access to my kit right now I can't actually measure what the travel distance is, in any sort of useful unit like mm or inches.

If someone either a) has access to an NXT still and would like to measure this for me, or already knows off the top of their head, I'd love to know! Thanks!

Re: Travel Distance of NXT Touch Sensor?

Posted: 07 Nov 2014, 05:22
by mightor
1 hole length = 8mm :)

= Xander

Re: Travel Distance of NXT Touch Sensor?

Posted: 07 Nov 2014, 08:20
by Stryker295
Thanks! Although it's slightly offset from a hole, it does appear to be about one hole's length.

Now I have a depth measurement + pressure sensitivity. I don't know what that information would actually be useful for, but at least it'll look good on a technical writeup.