This was my first attempt at an NXT game. It's a platformer, and incomplete. Many thanks to John Hansen, both for help with the code and help with the RIC files. Included is source code, map files, and RIC files.
Instructions: place all of the Map#.txt and the RIC files on your NXT, and compile the NXC code to your nxt. Enjoy.
Re: NXC Adventure Game
Posted: 04 Dec 2010, 22:12
by dudmaster
Looks just like node walker.
Re: NXC Adventure Game
Posted: 05 Dec 2010, 01:04
by sidneys1
Sidneys1 wrote:I'm not entirly sure, but I think Node Walker was based on this program.
Yup my suspisions are correct: "Node Walker" is what John Hansen listed this program as in NXT Power Programming, 2nd Edition. If you look, the book actually links you to my old website. However, I've moved most content to this page.
Have a nice day,
Re: NXC Adventure Game
Posted: 05 Dec 2010, 09:33
by mightor
This should be fun to play with the Mindsensors Numpad You can make a small paper overlay with arrow keys.
- Xander
Re: NXC Adventure Game
Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 04:37
by sidneys1
Not to resurrect an old thread, but this could be interesting with the new Mindsensors touchpanel... If only I had cash for one. [hint, hint.. ]
Any proud owners willing to try and mod it?
Re: NXC Adventure Game
Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 15:40
by nxtboyiii
You should continue this game and add enemies and other blocks.
Re: NXC Adventure Game
Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 21:42
by monkyman95
This should be as popular and famous as Block Dude! And maybe not adding enemies, just more block types...
Re: NXC Adventure Game
Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 21:31
by nxtboyiii
monkyman95 (2Tie)~
Speaking of blocks, I am making a 2D Minecraft grayscale game for the NXT (Might take out grayscale if it looks too bad or makes it lag). We should work on it together maybe.
Re: NXC Adventure Game
Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 21:35
by monkyman95
I'd love to, but I'm rather bunched up between school, programming Bionicle:Showdown, working ever so little on MarioNXT, and programming something for my parents that I have little other spare time... I'll see what I can work out, though.
May I also recommend that, when you walk to the left, your sprite changes to a left-facing one? :3