Challenging: Scilab, NXTOS and an Acrobot hobby project

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Challenging: Scilab, NXTOS and an Acrobot hobby project

Post by manskie »

Dear Readers,

Who want's to contribute to a high skilled hobby project: building an lego unicycle robot based on the acrobot principle. See ... re=related.

Proposed Hardware an OS en software language
Hardware: Lego NXT and additional sensors of HiTechnic
Operating System: NxtOs
Software language : C
IDE: Eclipse - cdt on windows
Modelling Scilab.

Proposed Roadmap:
Stage 1. Balancing the Nxt Unicycle with an Acrobot controller. Model Acrobot dynamics in Scilab
. Develop Acrobot balancing controller
. Choosing sensors en algoritmes for measuring primitives like (angle, angle rate, etc)
. Design Lego Acrobot NXT construction
. Implement Scilab Controller in the lego NXT Acrobot.

Stage 2. Steering the Nxt Unicycle.
To be defined.

eg. an old project of a Lego RCX unicycle
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Joined: 29 Sep 2010, 12:49

Re: Challenging: Scilab, NXTOS and an Acrobot hobby project

Post by jojoguy14 »

COOL! Too bad I don't know how to use NXTOs...or Scilab :-(. Good luck! Can't wait to see it in action!

Creator of LEGO-X TechN'XT! (
Known as jojoguy10
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