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navigation tree bar for direct subforum access?

Posted: 01 Oct 2010, 18:26
by HaWe
I don't know if I can explane it right:
Could it be possible to have sort of a navigation tree bar for direct subforum access?
E.g., you read a posting in * Board index ‹ LEGO MINDSTORMS ‹ Mindstorms Software and you click on Board index ‹ LEGO MINDSTORMS ‹ Mindstorms Projects link fixed at the left side of the forum edge to jump there immediately.
Imagine what I mean?

Re: navigation tree bar for direct subforum access?

Posted: 01 Oct 2010, 18:35
by mightor

You mean this:

- Xander

Re: navigation tree bar for direct subforum access?

Posted: 01 Oct 2010, 19:29
by HaWe
thanks, that's indeed what I've been missing so far. It rellay makes it already much easier.
But if it was actually at the left edge (fixed) you won't have to scroll down before jumping... :)

Re: navigation tree bar for direct subforum access?

Posted: 02 Oct 2010, 05:03
by mightor

I had a quick look and the position of the jump box cannot be set; it can only be enabled or disabled. I'm afraid you're stuck with it being at the bottom. Hit ctrl-end to get to it quickly :)

- Xander

Re: navigation tree bar for direct subforum access?

Posted: 02 Oct 2010, 11:45
by HaWe
ok, it's fine, thx for your reply!

Re: navigation tree bar for direct subforum access?

Posted: 02 Oct 2010, 17:56
by spillerrec
You can do this youself by creating a custom stylesheet. I can only give direction on how to set up a stylesheet for a page in Opera though, if you use Firefox, Chrome or whatever you will have to ask someone else. (AFAIK this isn't possible at all in IE.)

Once you have created a custom stylesheet, add this:

Code: Select all

	position: absolute !important;
	top: 10px !important;
	right: 20px !important;
#jumpbox fieldset{ margin-top: 0px !important }
#jumpbox + h3{
	clear:both !important;
	padding-top: 10px !important;
This should place it at the top of the screen.
If you want to avoid scrolling completely, you could change the second line from "position: absolute !important" to "position: fixed !important". When you scroll down now, the box will stay at the same spot at the screen, ignoring that you just scrolled down.

Notice the "#jumpbox + h3" rule. This was added because the "Who is online" thing screwed up when removing the jumpbox from the flow. So I fixed that, but I would guarantee that it will work everywhere since the layout might be a little different on other pages, who knows...

I also added some more to change the sourceforge thingy at the top, since I found it too big.

Code: Select all

	padding-top: 10px !important;
	padding-bottom: 10px !important;
#sf_logo{ display:none !important }
#sf_header p a{
	display: inline !important;
	margin-right: 10px !important;

Re: navigation tree bar for direct subforum access?

Posted: 02 Oct 2010, 20:37
by afanofosc
I googled a bit and found that with Chrome you can do the same thing if you start Chrome with the command line parameter "-enable-user-stylesheet". I added that switch to my Chrome desktop shortcut.

In C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\User StyleSheets\ there should be created a Custom.css stylesheet.

I added this content:

Code: Select all

   position: absolute !important;
   top: 10px !important;
   right: 20px !important;
#jumpbox fieldset{ margin-top: 0px !important }
#jumpbox + h3{
   clear:both !important;
   padding-top: 10px !important;

   padding-top: 10px !important;
   padding-bottom: 10px !important;
#sf_logo{ display:none !important }
#sf_header p a{
   display: inline !important;
   margin-right: 10px !important;

   display: none !important;
The #fad1 bit at the bottom hides the Google ad div.

Thanks for sharing this very useful information!

John Hansen

Re: navigation tree bar for direct subforum access?

Posted: 03 Oct 2010, 03:09
by afanofosc
To use a custom stylesheet in IE you choose Tools->Internet Options->Accessibility (General tab). Check the "Format documents using my style sheet" and browse to a .css file (such as the Custom.css that Chrome uses).

John Hansen

Re: navigation tree bar for direct subforum access?

Posted: 03 Oct 2010, 08:54
by nxtboy
I can build a chrome extension that creates a tree somewhere else on the page, if there's a demand for one.

Re: navigation tree bar for direct subforum access?

Posted: 03 Oct 2010, 10:36
by gloomyandy
Is it possible to remove the sourceforge bar from the top of the forum pages? The leJOS forums (that also use the sourceforge phpBB software), don't have this bar. Having to load that on every page seems to slow things up a little...
