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Overusing the spoiler tag

Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 13:41
by mightor
Hey peeps,

Some of you are really going to town with the spoiler tag that was implemented a little while ago. Please keep its use to just the intended purpose instead of adding it to signatures, make posts appear less big or hide images.


Re: Overusing the spoiler tag

Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 22:14
by jojoguy14
Yes sir! jk :D

jojoguy10 -
Smart Alec!

Re: Overusing the spoiler tag

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 03:06
by muntoo
I'll try to remember that. ;)

Shouldn't this be in Site Comments/etc? Or would no one see that?

Backup signature:

Code: Select all

[img ][/img]
Commit to Mindstorms Stack Exchange: [u][/u]
Run it for a few minutes, and Google'll send a secret message!: [u][/u][/spoiler]

Re: Overusing the spoiler tag

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 06:26
by mightor

Perhaps I will just strip them out of all of your posts, that will get about 95% of all the tags.

- Xander

Re: Overusing the spoiler tag

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 07:30
by muntoo
mightor wrote:Muntoo,

Perhaps I will just strip them out of all of your posts, that will get about 95% of all the tags.

- Xander
Awww.... :cry: