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My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(

Posted: 02 Oct 2010, 22:28
by stryker001
Anyone up for a little online collaboration/testing? If interested, just pm me or email me.

I'm thinking, I design the program (NXT-G), and you build the 'bot. Of course, you can always modify the program if you think it should be done differently, or if you have some idea to incorporate.

Note: it would be helpful to know some basics like 1) what software you are running (1.0 versus 2.0); 2) whether you have one or two (or more) NXT bricks; 3) what kind/how many sensors you have. I look forward to partnering with you soon.

- Stryker

Re: My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(

Posted: 03 Oct 2010, 08:54
by HaWe
I'm not sure, but does it make sence to write programs if you can't debug them by your own (debugging and optimizing code actually often (if not always) takes more time than writing the "release 1.0") ?
What benefit do you have (or get) if you write programs which you neither be able to test by yourself nor be able to use them if they finally have been successfully debugged?

My suggestion:
buy a NXT brick by yourself (about EUR 150,00) - and have all the fun by yourself! ;)

Re: My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(

Posted: 03 Oct 2010, 16:04
by mattallen37
Actually, you can get them for about 1/3 that price (just the brick). I have seen them for <$60 USD.

Re: My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(

Posted: 03 Oct 2010, 18:43
by nxtreme
I remember that this idea somehow didn't go over so well at NXTasy either. I'm afraid its just easier for people to write their own programs because they know what they want and they can have something ready to go pretty quickly doing it themselves. I highly suggest finding some way making money, even if it does take a while. I worked one and a half years for my Mindstorms 1.0 set, that works out to about 55 cents US a day, including S&H in the States and taxes. I'm sure you could easily make more than that somehow.

Re: My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(

Posted: 05 Oct 2010, 02:04
by helumpago
doc-helmut wrote: What benefit do you have (or get) if you write programs which you neither be able to test by yourself nor be able to use them if they finally have been successfully debugged?
uhh, learning experience? Knowing you successfully made a working program? The Bragging privileges of saying you debugged a program with someone on the other side of the planet? For me actually being able to use the program is only about half as fun as the adrenaline rush you get from finally killing that supposedly immortal program bug.
EDIT: Please note I'm not saying "ghost programming" (did I just coin a term?) an NXT is a good way to learn how to code. If I were Stryker, I'd start out by learning one of the MS visual studio languages until I have enough $$ to get an NXT
nxtreme wrote:I highly suggest finding some way making money, even if it does take a while. I worked one and a half years for my Mindstorms 1.0 set, that works out to about 55 cents US a day, including S&H in the States and taxes. I'm sure you could easily make more than that somehow.
ahh, yes. this brings back sweet memories of lemonade stands and digging through park garbage cans (looking for soda cans I could sell for aluminum). wowser, I forgot how hard I worked for that 250USD!

Re: My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(

Posted: 05 Oct 2010, 07:58
by HaWe
stryker, good news: I think you found one to join you (helumpago)!

Re: My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(

Posted: 05 Oct 2010, 12:28
by bazmati
I am very interested by your idea
Please contact me

Re: My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(

Posted: 05 Oct 2010, 16:32
by helumpago
doc-helmut wrote:stryker, good news: I think you found one to join you (helumpago)!
ah, no. I'm not built for email debugging (a matter of patience and perseverance).

Re: My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(

Posted: 05 Oct 2010, 17:05
by sidneys1
I'd be interested in helping you out. I've got NXT-G 1.1, and two NXTs running NXT-G compatable firmware. (I think one is Lego FW, and the other is NBC/NXC Enhanced)

Have a nice day,

Re: My programs, your NXT: because I don't have one :(

Posted: 05 Oct 2010, 18:04
by nxtreme
helumpago wrote:If I were Stryker, I'd start out by learning one of the MS visual studio languages until I have enough $$ to get an NXT !
Oh yes, that's another thing. I would really suggest learning to program in C, just so that when you get your Mindstorms (yes, when, not if. We know you can do it!) transitioning from NXT-G to something like NXC or RobotC is easier. I really wish that I knew C, it'd make it so much easier to learn NXC. And, even if you don't start using NXC anytime soon it is still very useful to learn good programming practice so that your NXT-G programs are easier to test, modify and debug. My 2 cents worth.