Tribot Pieces

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Tribot Pieces

Post by thomdaley »

I'm trying to build a Tribot and I can't find the arms. Does anyone know where I can get them? Also, sorry it this has been brought up before but what about extra NXT 2.0 pieces?
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Re: Tribot Pieces

Post by mattallen37 »

What "arms" are you talking about? Also, what do you mean by "what about extra NXT 2.0 pieces?"?

I'm all for gun control... that's why I use both hands when shooting ;)
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Re: Tribot Pieces

Post by pbenco »

hello thomdaley
As i understand, you have a NXT 2.0 kit, and want to build Tribot (as, which is a NXT 1.0 robot.

The inventory of NXT 2.0 lacks some 1.0 specific pieces, and in your case, the "Bionicle Weapon Pincer Suukorak ", item code 50914, which is your arm.
You can find it in briklink (, or into some sets: ( The NXT 2.0 has some other bionicle parts, as the zamor's launcher, magazines and balls, but not those "arms".

You can use a technic liftarm as spare part , the "Technic Beam 3 x 3.8 x 7 Liftarm Bent 45 Double ", Item 32009 (, to be able to grab the NXT 1.0 balls, but you will still lack the red and blue dacta/technic 52mm balls, NXT 1.0 specific too...(
Hope this help
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Re: Tribot Pieces

Post by thomdaley »

Sorry, I guess I meant pinchers! Thanks, this is perfect.
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Re: Tribot Pieces

Post by haydenstudios »

Shouldn't this topic have been posted in the "Robot Building" section?
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