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Mindboards Contest Poll

Posted: 01 Apr 2011, 23:09
by themindstormman
here you can decide on what you want the first mindboards contest to be.

i will talk to mightor and see if he can put up a mindboards contest forum.

UPDATE: I talked to mightor. the contest is on. the contest will be moved to the announcements part of this forum. end dates will not change througout the whole contest. so get ready. you have a few days left to vote. also only 1 official contest may happen at a time and if a contest is not in the annoncements forum it is not official.

the poll has ended and robotic arm has won. the contest is coming shortly!
please pick your top 3 contests to win.

you will have 1.5 months to work on the robot and post it here. then the judges (unnamed) will select winners. there is no prize just an honorable mention.
there will be two cadagories begginers and advanced. you can enter either catogory but some begginers will have more stict rules (such as only 1 mindstorm kit). just answer the poll to vote. the poll ends in 1 week. (more info later). please comment and i'll try to get back to you. thank you
-formally nxtman now themindstormman

Re: Mindboards Contest Poll

Posted: 02 Apr 2011, 04:44
by nxtboyiii
Please vote for arcade game!

Re: Mindboards Contest Poll

Posted: 02 Apr 2011, 12:21
by i-fixed-it-44
vote for realistic car!,please :(

Re: Mindboards Contest Poll

Posted: 02 Apr 2011, 12:59
by themindstormman
please dont solicitate

Re: Mindboards Contest Poll

Posted: 03 Apr 2011, 00:23
by themindstormman
the contest is official and will be moved to the announcements forum after poll