WARNING: This is a warning.
WARNING 2: This post contains lots of bias and ego (not the waffle kind).
If you put links on another site, this will increase your Google Search Engine PageRank. Just, please, don't
become a spammer, and start
posting links everywhere. If you wait a while, eventually your website will be crawled by Google. BTW, what
is your website URL?
Unrelated, but you may wish to set up Google Analytics so you can
track/spy on your visitors view the visitor count.
If you add meta tags, and stuff like that, this will help Google put your pages up there, depending on the query. For example, if you had the info "themindstormsman's website homepage" in meta, when you search for that using Google, you may be one of the top results.
Don't worry about getting top search engine ranks yet. If you write interesting posts, and start getting visitors/clicks, that's awesome. My site became gradually "popular":
I have "long-term visitors" because I participate on this forum (mainly because of this), on
StackExchange (advertising
), WOT (I know at least one user viewed my blog, as he commented on my board about it being good, which doesn't really help my ego), and various other places. I've got a link to my blog on my profiles, to make it easy to find.
Firefox post on my blog seems to be the most popular (takes 35% of my site views), and it's gotten a few hundred views by Firefoxers. It's also the in the top results in some different search queries like: "default search engine firefox 4" (I've been pushed down by Mozilla in that query), "firefox 4 set default search provider", and other various similar searches. I'm guessing this is because the general public has been having the same problem, and I'm one of the few to write about the "fix".