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Problem with LeJOS JDK

Posted: 17 May 2011, 03:46
by bungeshea
I am trying to download LeJOS NXJ for my NXT. I am using this guide to install it on Microsoft XP Home. The totorial says I need to download Java Develper Kit 1.6, but I can't seen to find the download from the supplied website.

Re: Problem with LeJOS JDK

Posted: 17 May 2011, 09:30
by kvols
Have another look. Windows downloads are to two lines near the bottom:

Windows x86 76.66 MB jdk-6u25-windows-i586.exe
Windows x64 67.27 MB jdk-6u25-windows-x64.exe

- depending on wether you want a 32-bit version or you want a 64-bit version. Simply download and run the EXE-file to install.

Re: Problem with LeJOS JDK

Posted: 17 May 2011, 09:45
by timpattinson

Re: Problem with LeJOS JDK

Posted: 17 May 2011, 11:55
by gloomyandy
Make sure you install the 32bit version. The tools to talk to the NXT will not work if you use 64bit Java (The Lego Fantom SDK is only available in 32 bit versions)...


Re: Problem with LeJOS JDK

Posted: 17 May 2011, 21:35
by bungeshea
Thanks guys but I had already installed Windows x86 76.66 MB jdk-6u25-windows-i586.exe. The problem is when I tried to install LeJOS NXJ leJOS_NXJ_0.9.0-Setup.exe, it says "No JDK Installed". I thought I might need a different version.

Re: Problem with LeJOS JDK

Posted: 17 May 2011, 22:37
by gloomyandy
You need to make sure that the JDK bin directory is in your path. If you open up a cmd window on your system and type javac -version and get a command not found error then the JDK is not in the path and leJOS will complain... You can modify your path using the system properties > advanced tab and select environment variables... See: ... s-cmd.html
