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Blinking red LED on the NXT rechargeable battery

Posted: 17 May 2011, 08:16
by ricardocrl
Hello everyone,

I'm using one of the newer white rechargeable batteries (2200mAh) and I left it recharging during the whole night. Instead of getting only the green LED turned on, I also get the red one intermitent, blinking like once each 2..3 seconds. Has anyone experienced the same?

It could be that it's always balancing between full and not full, but I've never seen it. It doesn't say anything about it in the small instruction paper that came with it.

The battery level was OK after this and the equipment was not warmer than normal.


Re: Blinking red LED on the NXT rechargeable battery

Posted: 19 May 2011, 17:27
by mightor
You should contact LEGO, perhaps there is something wrong with it and they can replace it for you :)

- Xander

Re: Blinking red LED on the NXT rechargeable battery

Posted: 20 May 2011, 16:55
by ricardocrl
Thanks for the advice. :-)