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Problem Using Compiled Mindsqualls DLL

Posted: 18 May 2011, 19:56
by lydecker77
Hi there,

I have used the supplied .dll from the mindsqualls website (1.0 and 1.1) to write simple program in C# & VB.NET in Visual Studio 2010 to control by NXT. Works great!

I now want to adapt the mindsqualls source code. I have downloaded the source and opened it in Visual Studio Express 2005 (what it was originally created in - so no project conversion necessary). When I go to compile the solution (WITHOUT changing any of the source code) it compiles fine, and chucks out the .dll file to the dubug folder. This compiled .dll is the exact same size as the original one I made my program with that I got off the website (makes sense as I haven't changed the source code yet).

However, when I give a reference to the 'new' dll I compiled from the original source code - the program I wrote to control my NXT no longer works!! When it is compiling it ends up opening some of the mindsqualls .cs class files from the DLL and throws exceptions like:

Code: Select all

NKH.MindSqualls.NxtException was unhandled by user code
  Message=The brick is not connected.
       at NKH.MindSqualls.NxtBrick.get_CommLink()
       at NKH.MindSqualls.NxtPassiveSensor.Poll()
       at NKH.MindSqualls.NxtTouchSensor.Poll()
       at NKH.MindSqualls.NxtPollable.autoPollTimer_Elapsed(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
       at System.Timers.Timer.MyTimerCallback(Object state)
How on earth do I recomiple the original source code for use - there must be something really simple I'm missing?!

Any input would be apprechiated. Thanks.

Re: Problem Using Compiled Mindsqualls DLL

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 13:52
by mindsqualls
I know that this is a bit late – but do you still have this problem?

Leg Godt,