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NXC SendMessage returning -19

Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 00:30
by ejvaughan
What does a return value of -19 from the NXC API SendMessage mean? I'm stumped.

Re: NXC SendMessage returning -19

Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 01:20
by muntoo
Could we see your code? (A simplified version would be nice. About 10-20 lines, if you can.)
I don't see anything here.

EDIT: There's a -19 here. Apparently, you specified something with an ERR_INVALID_SIZE.

Re: NXC SendMessage returning -19

Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 01:38
by ejvaughan
muntoo wrote:Could we see your code? (A simplified version would be nice. About 10-20 lines, if you can.)
I don't see anything here.

EDIT: There's a -19 here. Apparently, you specified something with an ERR_INVALID_SIZE.
Muntoo, you are exactly right! I was trying to send a text string that was one character too large! Goodness! :lol: Talk about a little frustrating! I tried searching through the NXC Guide for "-19," but I gave up. I guess I should've kept looking! Coming back to NXC is a little frustrating because I'm used to the documentation stating the possible return values of a function, whereas with the NXC documentation it is hard to discover what constants go with what functions. But thanks anyways for your help!