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How old are you?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 07:45
by dimasterooo
Just thought it'd be interesting to see if we have more "kids" (why do people still call us that.. grrr) or adults on MiBo. :mrgreen:

Re: How old are you?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 13:05
by hassenplug
dimasterooo wrote:Just thought it'd be interesting to see if we have more "kids" (why do people still call us that.. grrr) or adults on MiBo. :mrgreen:
Because age is one way to group people together.

Actual age is one thing that becomes much less important as you get older. There's a huge difference between 12 & 13. Also between 17 & 18. But not-so-much between say 41 and 49.

I suspect the people in this forum under the age of 18 are very "old" for their age. (computer savvy and interested in robotics) While the adults could be considered "child-like" because of their interest in LEGO.


Re: How old are you?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 13:20
by dimasterooo
yeah, that's true I suppose :).

Re: How old are you?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 17:10
by muntoo
Why don't you add another separate poll asking specifically:
  • under 10
  • 10 to 12
  • 13 to 14 <-- Sorry 12.1 year olds!
  • 15 to 17
  • 18+
floor() your age. :)

Re: How old are you?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 20:49
by spillerrec
sqrt() your age before floor()!
  • from sqrt(1) up to sqrt(9) (exclusive) -> under 3
  • from sqrt(9) up to sqrt(16) (exclusive) -> 4
  • from sqrt(16) up to sqrt(25) (exclusive) -> 5
  • from sqrt(25) up to sqrt(36) (exclusive) -> 6
  • from sqrt(36) up to sqrt(49) (exclusive) -> 7
  • from sqrt(49) up to sqrt(64) (exclusive) -> 8
  • from sqrt(64) and up -> over 8
This weakly simulates what Steve pointed out.

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