Color Copier

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Color Copier

Post by jokegred »

So a while back there was a post on youtube for a lego printer:

Our reaction: AMAZING!
So we decided to beat it, and so got a color copier:

It has lower quality, and there have been plenty of copiers and printers made out of lego and/or NXT, but ours was the first with 3 colors, 3 motors, and a color sensor. The concept is simple: There is a pointer attached to a gear rack, and the pointer pushes down markers, which after the pointer leaves, spring back up because of a gear rack. It scans once, then as it returns it prints. To make up for the markers being in different places, it moves forward or backward accordingly. There are some pictures here: that I could not put the images here, I lost them a while back, and since then the device has been modified :( )

It may not be HP quality, but the ink is dirt cheap, and I'm sure there's someone who can make it better.

Oh, and one last thing: my sister is currently improving the design and making a new program, but she's still got a long way to go.

Good luck and happy copying!
Last edited by jokegred on 17 Jul 2011, 03:43, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Color Copier

Post by haydenstudios »

Nice. Although, heres a little tip. To correctly embed a youtube video, try this:






Hope this helps.
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Joined: 07 Jul 2011, 23:22

Re: Color Copier

Post by jokegred »

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Joined: 22 Oct 2010, 20:05
Location: The United States of America

Re: Color Copier

Post by haydenstudios »

Certainly! :) It might be good if you edit your post and make my recommended changes so that when people click on this topic, they will see those videos directly, and not a bit of incorrectly typed BBCode.
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