L motor from 9398 4x4 Crawler

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L motor from 9398 4x4 Crawler

Post by tabbycatrobots »

Has anyone built a robot using the new Technic L motors from the 9398 4x4? I'm thinking of
using parts of the chassis of the 9398 as a starting point for an NXT dump truck.
And a second question, has anyone driven 2 motors, of any type, from one port on
the NXT brick? The 9398 uses one motor for the front wheels and one for the rears.
Yes, I'll have to kluge up a cable.
If I am understanding the data on the philohome web page, the amps should be
okay. Any thoughts and suggestions appreciated. Thanks.
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Re: L motor from 9398 4x4 Crawler

Post by jwiger »

I would not try to run two PF L motors from one NXT port. Combined they could draw almost 2.4 amps. You could be safe if you didn't load the motors too much, but I think there is too much risk to damaging the NXT.

If you must run two motors I suggest getting an IR link from hitechnic or a mindsensors motor controller and run the PF motors off of a dedicated battery box.
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