Simple Circumference Project

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Simple Circumference Project

Post by mike1767 »

I'm a 7th Grade math teacher and am looking at creating a project for circumference with the 9797 series NXTs that I can access. What I would like is to have students be build a car-like vehicle and be able to enter a value for the number of rotations the wheel will make. The car would then perform that action and display the distance travelled. The building is easy enough and I have a program made up that will calculate distance and display it, but input is where I'm running into a wall. Ideally, the student would never have to see the programming, it would be preloaded onto the brick and they could just enter a value either on the display or with one of the various inputs. Is that possible? Any help would be great. I'm brand new to NXT and programming. Right now I'm using NXT-G, but would be willing to switch to anything I can run on my Mac. Thanks!
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Re: Simple Circumference Project

Post by mattallen37 »

Using a motor as a rotation sensor is a common human input method that can be made with what is included in the NXT set.

I'm all for gun control... that's why I use both hands when shooting ;)
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