EV3 integration on site

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EV3 integration on site

Post by b-b »

How shall EV3 topics be distinguished from the NXT variety? Should we get a new family of topics or depend on subject lines to segregate contents?
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Re: EV3 integration on site

Post by h-g-t »

I think that would be a good idea.
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Re: EV3 integration on site

Post by HaWe »

answering a "or"ed -question by "yes" means what exactly...? ^^
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Re: EV3 integration on site

Post by mattallen37 »

It means "Yes, we should do x or y", or "Yes, we should do either, or both x and y".

Typically (with standard logic definitions) "OR" means "either or both", but not "neither". If you want to specify that only one condition can be true, you use "XOR" (eXclusive OR), with mean "either", but not "neither" and not "both".

I'm not really sure why (because of laziness?), but in speech (and written english), "OR" is often used to mean "XOR". In which case, it could be "Yes, we should do either x or[meaning xor] y".

I'm all for gun control... that's why I use both hands when shooting ;)
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Re: EV3 integration on site

Post by mightor »

I don't think we're going to create a separate sub forum for EV3 questions. Just ask your questions how you've always done, prepend the subject with [EV3] if you want to be clearer :)

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Re: EV3 integration on site

Post by mattallen37 »

I agree with Xander. Already these forums have been used for RCX and NXT (and a little for other systems), so it only makes sense to keep going as we have been. Adding more categories only means more work for the mods.

I'm all for gun control... that's why I use both hands when shooting ;)
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