Little niggle with Bricxcc and EV3

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Little niggle with Bricxcc and EV3

Post by floydbloke »

Have just started experimenting with my EV3 and Bricxcc using John's youtube Hello World tutorial.
I'm going along quite swimmingly but have got one little niggle, whenever I hit download in the IDE the executable lands in ../prjs/ directory on the brick instead of /media/card/
I can manually shift it using the Brick Explorer and it will run fine through the console.

This was initially happening last night on a slightly older version of Bricxcc. Today I downloaded the latest test release (20131007) and also reset Preferences->Compiler->EV3 to default. An initial standalone hw.c compiled fine and downloaded to /media/card (at least I think it did, starting to doubt myself now, maybe it was still there from a previous test), but subsequently adding the foobar files, compiling and downloading now seems to send the target to ../prjs/ again.

How can I tell Bricxcc to always download to /media/sdcard?

(Worth noting the card wasn't freshly formatted when I started, but both through brick explorer and the console I can see the existing directories.)
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Re: Little niggle with Bricxcc and EV3

Post by totokan »

In BricxCC, under Edit menu, open preferences. Choose compiler tab, then EV3 tab, press default, then change 'remote path:' field to /media/card. That should do it.
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