Invalid Security Certificate

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Invalid Security Certificate

Post by floydbloke »

Great to see that Mindboards is back, but the site has an invalid security certificate. Is this likely to be fixed in the near future?
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Re: Invalid Security Certificate

Post by Stryker295 »

I've noticed a lot of problems :/ it was just completely down the other day.

Are you coming from /, or are you going directly to Also, are you using https or http?
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Re: Invalid Security Certificate

Post by floydbloke »

Have tried both from and typing the URL directly. Trying to use HTTP automatically redirects to HTTPS.
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Re: Invalid Security Certificate

Post by HaWe »

I simply added it to "trusted websites" ;)
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Re: Invalid Security Certificate

Post by floydbloke »

Sure, me too. But if these forums are to be revived and thrive we need old members returning and welcome new ones. Getting a security warning won't be encouraging for them. Besides that, it should be standard practice to maintain a valid security certificate.
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Re: Invalid Security Certificate

Post by HaWe »

yes, I agree - write a PM to Sebastian Trella!
(Anyway, better to have this one now finally instead of completely nothing as until some weeks before ;)
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Re: Invalid Security Certificate

Post by mightor »

Security certificates often cost money. Who wants to cough up the money for the SSL cert? :)

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Re: Invalid Security Certificate

Post by GeekDude »

There wouldn't have to be a cert if this site was accessible from HTTP. Who hosts this site anyways?
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Re: Invalid Security Certificate

Post by sebastiantrella »

I am hosting ist atm. Http ist not a good option as we are transfering passwords and usernames through the internet here. So, https is highly recommended. I have changed the certificate, now you should not get any warnings. right?
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Re: Invalid Security Certificate

Post by GeekDude »

I didn't receive any warnings this time, so I guess it worked
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