wishlist for BricxCC

Discussion specific to NXT-G, NXC, NBC, RobotC, Lejos, and more.
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Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Post by HaWe »

will it be possible to revise the routine which lets you move a copy of marked-up word(s) in the Bricxcc editor when you press
<ctrl>+<LeftMouseBtn> ---> hold and move mouse to a different location

if you do this in most of the different editors, the marked word(s) will be copied and the copy will be moved to a place until the Btns are released.

Try it in this forum's editor:
double click on a word
move the mouse to this word
press <ctrl>+<LeftMouseBtn> and move it as described above (drag and drop).
The original marked-up word stays where it was, and a copy of it will be moved to a different place.

If you do this in the Bricxcc editor (e.g. double click on the word "inline") you always get an annoying pop up window where you have to press ok, which finally upsets the whole action.

Can you please correct this?
annoying popup window for ctrl-copy move + paste
annoying popup window for ctrl-copy move + paste
PopupWindow ctrl+leftMouseBtn.jpg (2.07 KiB) Viewed 53955 times
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Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Post by h-g-t »

Any indication as to when the next versions of BCC and NXC will be published?
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Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Post by afanofosc »

Hopefully I will put out a new official release for all platforms this week.

Ctrl+Click is intended to (eventually) be a short-cut for finding the definition of the thing you control click on. Try pressing the Ctrl key down after you start to drag the text. That works fine. I just added some code to disable the not-yet-implemented Ctrl+Click functionality if there is an active selection in the editor. With that change Doc's ctrl+click-and-drag works.

On my computer I am able to resize the keystroke editor dialog box. It's modified size is not remembered, though. Are you using large fonts or something?

You can add your own custom constants and API functions to the syntax highlighting via the preferences dialog. It does not happen automagically based on #defines or anything like that. I am working toward supporting a standard set of API functions and constants along with a user-defined set of API functions and constants. Resetting to default values would only affect the standard set. The user-defined functions and constants would always be loaded from a .txt file or .xml file.

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Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Post by nxtboyiii »

Making User-defined functions and constants would be very nice to have.
I wouldn't have to include the library or functions and constants every time I use it! :)
Thanks, and have a nice day,
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Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Post by muntoo »

nxtboyiii wrote:Making User-defined functions and constants would be very nice to have.
I wouldn't have to include the library or functions and constants every time I use it! :)
Err... But then your code won't be "portable" anymore. Someone might not have the same "user-defined" code as you, and may not understand it, or be unable to compile it. This is why we still use "#include" files. (Which are a brilliant idea.) Besides, that's not what John meant. He's talking about syntax highlighting.

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Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Post by muntoo »

When I press Ctrl+Shift+Space, this happens:


Notice the difference? The extra space after "sqrt(" lets the "float x" popup appear, but without the extra space, no "float x" appears.

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Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Post by mesheets »

afanofosc wrote: Hopefully I will put out a new official release for all platforms this week.
Is the multi-platform only for the NBC/NXC releases? On the SourceForge downloads page for BricxCC, I only see an executable file and a readme text file.

I still use the RCX.

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Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Post by mattallen37 »

mesheets wrote:Is the multi-platform only for the NBC/NXC releases? On the SourceForge downloads page for BricxCC, I only see an executable file and a readme text file.

I still use the RCX.

Thank you,
Welcome to mindboards :D

The exe is for installation. It will install all the files you need.

Yes it does work with the RCX (and NXT obviously). It also works with the scout, and supposedly cyber master and spybot.

Once you install the program using the installer, you can download the latest test release, and replace some of the files in the directory. You will then have version (although if you will only be using it with the RCX, the latest test release probably won't be any different).

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Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Post by mesheets »

Thank you--I guess when I mentioned multi-platform, I should have mentioned that I am specifically interested in what might be available for Linux.
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Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Post by mightor »

This is a wish list thread, not a discussion one.
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