NXC 3D Engine and a Wii Nunchuck

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NXC 3D Engine and a Wii Nunchuck

Post by sebi-mylegopage »

I have made a little Demo of the OpenGL NXC 3d functions controlled by a wii nunchuk:

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Re: NXC 3D Engine and a Wii Nunchuck

Post by nxtboyiii »

Can you post the program?
Thanks, and have a nice day,
nxtboy III

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Re: NXC 3D Engine and a Wii Nunchuck

Post by sebi-mylegopage »

Yes. But I will make tomorow a "clean copy":

Code: Select all

byte CMDNunchukInit[] = {0xA4, 0x40, 0x00};
byte CMDNunchukWrite[] = {0xA4, 0x00};
byte CMDNunchukRead[] = {0xA4};

byte nbytes;
byte outbuf[];

// port is the NXT port
// i2c_cmd is the nunchuk internal address register
// at i2c_cmd=0...5 are 6 Byte of sensor values
// at i2c_cmd=0x20 ... 0x2F  you get 16 Byte of calibration data
sub NunchukGetParamter(byte port, byte i2c_cmd)
  // Initialize the Nunchuk
  LowspeedWrite(port, 0, CMDNunchukInit); //ask for 0 bytes
  while(LowspeedStatus(port, nbytes)>0);

  // Wait(1) is needless, the NXT command interpreter delays next i2c access 3ms

  CMDNunchukWrite[1] =i2c_cmd; //at 0x00: 6 Bytes of sensor values
  LowspeedWrite(port, 0, CMDNunchukWrite);   // write Nunchuk register address
  while(LowspeedStatus(port, nbytes)>0);

  byte count = 6;
  LowspeedWrite(port, count, CMDNunchukRead); //ask for count bytes
  while(LowspeedStatus(port, nbytes)>0);

  if(nbytes == count){
    LowspeedRead(port, count, outbuf)  //read data from buffer
    for(int i=0; i<count; i++ ){
      outbuf[i]=(outbuf[i]^0x17) + 0x17;
  else {
    ArrayInit(outbuf,0,0);    //error
int angleX, angleY;
task main()
// Initialize the 3D engine...
// Create a box, this is the first object which will be object id 0...
glBox(GL_POLYGON, 10, 20, 30);
// Create a box, this is the second object which will be object id 1...
glBox(GL_POLYGON, 30,40,50);
angleX = 0;
angleY = 0;
while (true)
    // Setup for rendering...
    // Call the object with id 0...

    glObjectAction(0, GL_ROTATE_X, angleX);
    // Call the object with id 1...
    glObjectAction(1, GL_ROTATE_Y, angleY);
    // Finish, clear the screen, rotate and render the called objects...
    NunchukGetParamter(S1, 0x00);
    if (ArrayLen(outbuf)==6)
        glObjectAction(0, GL_ROTATE_Y, (225-outbuf[0]));
        glObjectAction(0, GL_ROTATE_X, (outbuf[1]));

        glObjectAction(1, GL_ROTATE_Y, ((225-outbuf[2])*3));
        glObjectAction(1, GL_ROTATE_X, (outbuf[3])*3);
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Re: NXC 3D Engine and a Wii Nunchuck

Post by schodet »

Nice :)

I tried the NXC 3D engine, the ease of use is quite impressive!
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Re: NXC 3D Engine and a Wii Nunchuck

Post by dudmaster »

Awsome!!!! i like 3D!!!! :o :shock:

Oh, and i would like it if you made a small program like that, but one box and uses the Enter, Left, Right, and Exit button.
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Re: NXC 3D Engine and a Wii Nunchuck

Post by stryker001 »

I'm trying to learn how to do this... can anyone help?
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Re: NXC 3D Engine and a Wii Nunchuck

Post by dudmaster »

Have you seen my NXC GL post? Also, the documentary might help. (Rightclick a command in BricxCC, then select 'help topics'.)
2Labz.com, My Website
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