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Posts: 1
Joined: 28 Sep 2013, 14:14

Help me

Post by alkahaila »

I’m beginning in the reboot world. I finished from body reboot design Terms of use NXT, But faced difficulty in programming light sensor
Where I want to classify colors and each color values It then calculates the values Finally, the result appears on the screen.
I hope you help me, I'll be waiting for you...
Posts: 100
Joined: 27 Dec 2010, 19:10

Re: Help me

Post by tabbycatrobots »

Not quite sure from your description what type of robot that you want to build, but you may find some
building and programming ideas for the color sensor at these URLs.
< ... glish.aspx>
< ... l%201.aspx>
< ... ogram.aspx>
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