This will help LEGO Mindstorms NXT become part of the Electronics StackExchange Website.
Yes, I realize we have an Area51 for LEGO Mindstorms Robotics already, but that's still an Area51 (needs more commitment). If you don't think that this is a good idea, you can argue here, but not in this thread.
nxtboy wrote:Hang on. Shouldn't we wait and see what decision is made before we start using that site?
At present, the usage of the site is biasing the merge decision (against our favour). Perhaps a Poll on Mindboards would better solve the issue. - Poll here
Last edited by muntoo on 05 Mar 2011, 06:18, edited 11 times in total.
Commit to LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Stack Exchange:
Commit to LEGO Stack Exchange:
Hang on. Shouldn't we wait and see what decision is made before we start using that site?
At present, the usage of the site is biasing the merge decision (against our favour). Perhaps a Poll on Mindboards would better solve the issue. - Poll here